Our Vision is to create a unique, forward-thinking school that sets high expectations and achieves high standards for its learners whilst recognising its responsibilities to the wider community.

We strive to ensure that everyone within our School feels safe; knows how to be healthy physically and mentally; and endeavours to be successful in all aspects of their learning. We focus on developing grit, determination and a growth mindset; and we aim to ensure equality of opportunity for all learners.

Governors, Staff, Parents and Carers, and the wider community work alongside one another to give all children the opportunities to flourish and become fulfilled citizens of our future Wales.

Our Mission Statement lies at the heart of our School’s learning activities. On these firm foundations, we build together an enriched school experience for the children that we serve.

We aim to:
  • develop individual talents;
  • nurture respect for self and for others;
  • provide an enriched learning experience;
  • be a school for the future.
These aims are underpinned by our 5 Core Values:
  • Be Respectful;
  • Be Responsible;
  • Be Learners;
  • Be Safe;
  • Be Outstanding.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Vision

Our ICT vision is to enable all our staff and pupils to be confident, competent and independent users of ICT.

We aim to use ICT, when appropriate, to motivate and inspire pupils toward raised standards across the curriculum. We shall develop pupils’ ICT skills, knowledge, understanding and capability through taught ICT lessons and the provision of opportunities for pupils to apply and consolidate their ICT capability across all curriculum contexts.

Our School values the contribution that ICT can make for the benefit of all pupils, staff and parents and governors. We believe in teaching our children to be safe online and to engage in positive online behaviours that enhance their lives, and the lives of others.

Our School actively promotes and utilises ICT opportunities across the whole school structure, with an emphasis on high quality learning and teaching. It is our aim to keep abreast of new and innovative practices.